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The Celacc

Created in 1996, the Latin-American Culture and Communications Center (CELACC) is a Research Support Center of The University of São Paulo (NAP).

It was created by Professor Dr. Maria Nazareth Ferreira and is currently coordinated by Professor Dr. Dennis de Oliveira.


  • Promote and conduct research, courses, seminars, and consulting.
  • Edit publications and other activities of academic nature.
  • Create a collection of documents on Brazilian and Latin-American cultures.
  • Cooperate with USP and other education, research, and production institutions.



Celacc is part of the Committee of Research Groups of CNPq (National Research Council) and its projects address the following research areas:

  • Area 1: Communication and Culture in Latin America
    • Thread 1 - Subordinate cultures and communication, urban specialties and sociocultural movements in Latin America.
    • Thread 2 - Media, culture, social movements and communication networks.
    • Thread 3 – Ethnical, racial and gender relations
  • Area 2: Production, distribution, and fruition of cultural goods in Latin America
    • Thread 1 – Construction of new meanings and strategies of cultural production
    • Thread 2 - Cultural policies and fulfillment of cultural citizenship

The projects developed by Celacc are funded by research support institutions such as: FAPESP, CAPES and CNPq.

